What is the Alumni?

What is the Alumni?
In 2004, at the 50th anniversary celebrations of Bridgetown High School, the Principal, Stephen Bullied, organised a meeting of former students with the purpose of forming an Alumni Association for the school. Private schools have had dynamic associations of former students who support their schools, but not public schools. The decision was made to form such an association with the purpose of raising money, and other support, to assist the school in providing a quality education to students.
Today, the Alumni Committee continues to work to provide resources and support for Bridgetown High School. Over that time, the association has raised directly, and through donations from individual former students, tens of thousands of dollars for the school. The Alumni Association provides four scholarships annually to one student from each year at Bridgetown High School. These scholarships are awarded to a student who best demonstrates the school values of Kindness, Resilience, Responsibility and Respect. The conversion of the old woodwork room into an excellent drama room was facilitated by the Alumni Association and a former student (and committee member) Gerry McLernon. Further, the building of the new cricket pitch was funded by the Alumni Association and Gerry McLernon. In addition, former student Noel Castle provides two scholarships for outstanding mathematics and science students at the end of Year 10.
The Association has two main fundraising events: the Scholarship Classic, where local businesses pay to enter a draw to have the annual scholarships provided for personal values named after them for the year; and the Golf Day, where former students, and friends, from across the state descend on the Bridgetown Golf Club for a wonderful day of golf.
All former students are automatically members of the association and are able to maintain contact with each other through Facebook and the website.
The committee meets on the third Monday of the month by Zoom meeting.
Committee Executives:
President: Belinda Meehan
Vice President: Kathleen Holdsworth
Secretary: Susan Persamanos
Treasurer: Daphne Eldridge
The objects of the Association include:
(a) to facilitate and improve the education provided by the School by:
(i) the provision of scholarships, bursaries, prizes, endowments and allowances to students or staff;
(ii) payment for or towards the employment of visiting or temporary staff; and
(iii) the provision of educational activities;
(b) to provide, replace or repair plant, furniture, furnishings, equipment, buildings, playing fields, books and other amenities, facilities or services for the benefit of the School;
(c) to promote sporting, cultural and extra-curricular activities conducted by the School;
(d) to sustain and strengthen the relationship between the School and Members;
(e) to foster the interests of the Members in relation to the School; and
(f) to promote unity and good fellowship amongst the Member and other persons who are eligible to become Members.